• Resistors
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Precision resistor solutions
Diverse resistor types at Digiode


Resistors are a critical component of many electronic systems, providing the ability to control the flow of current in a circuit. They play a crucial role in various electronic systems by limiting current, dividing voltage, and providing accurate resistance values. This can be particularly important in applications where high currents can damage sensitive components, such as microprocessors and integrated circuits. As a leading supplier of resistors, we offer a diverse selection of high-quality ones to meet your needs.

Resistors come in a variety of types including fixed, variable, and precision resistors. Fixed resistors have a set resistance value and cannot be adjusted. Variable resistors allow the resistance to be adjusted to a specific value. Precision resistors have a high level of accuracy and are used in applications where the resistance value must be very precise. Resistors also come packaged in different materials and designs including carbon film, metal film, wire-wound, through-hole, and surface mount resistors. When it comes to form factors and installation, surface-mount resistors are designed to be mounted directly onto the surface of a printed circuit board, while through-hole resistors are designed to be inserted into holes on a printed circuit board.

In addition to traditional resistors, Digiode also offers specialized resistors for specific applications. For example, thermistors are resistors that change their resistance value based on temperature, making them useful in temperature sensing applications. Varistors are resistors that can vary their resistance value in response to changes in voltage, making them useful in voltage regulation applications.

At Digiode, we understand that selecting the right resistor is vital for achieving optimal circuit performance. Digiode’s extensive inventory of resistors covers a wide range of resistance values, power ratings, and tolerance levels. Whether you require resistors for general-purpose applications, precision circuits, high-power systems, or specialized projects, we have the right components to meet your requirements.

Our team of experts is here to assist you in choosing the most suitable resistor type, value, and package style for your specific application. Contact us today to discuss your resistor needs.

Carbon Film Resistors

Metal Film Resistors

Wire-Wound Resistors

SMD (Surface-Mount Device) Resistors

Fusible Resistors





Resistor Arrays

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