Digiode is committed to preventing the distribution of counterfeit electronic components. We recognize the
risks that counterfeit components pose to our customers and the industry, including product failures,
hazards, and loss of trust in the supply chain.
To mitigate these risks, we have established an anti-counterfeit electronic components policy that includes the following measures:
To mitigate these risks, we have established an anti-counterfeit electronic components policy that includes the following measures:
- Trusted Suppliers: We only source electronic components from trusted and reputable suppliers who comply with our strict quality and authenticity standards. We conduct supplier assessments to evaluate their processes, capabilities, and reputation in the industry.
- Quality Control: We have strict quality control processes to detect and prevent counterfeit components from entering our inventory. We use advanced inspection and testing techniques to verify the authenticity of components and identify any signs of tampering or counterfeiting.
- Supply Chain Transparency: We maintain transparency throughout our supply chain by tracking the origin and history of electronic components. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that they provide us with complete and accurate information about the components they supply, including certificates of authenticity and traceability.
- Employee Training: We provide regular training to our employees on how to identify and handle counterfeit components. We also encourage our employees to report any suspicious activity or signs of counterfeiting to our quality control team.
- Industry Standards: We comply with industry standards and best practices for preventing the distribution of counterfeit electronic components, including the SAE Aerospace Standard AS6081 and the Anti-Counterfeit Electronics Working Group (ACEWG) guidelines.